Draw a Dolphin painting game with Rice Con Leche song | How to draw and color

Dibujar un Delfín juego de pintar con Arroz Con Leche cancion | Cómo dibujar y colorear

Best Videos ► ► ► ► ► ► Subscribe ► Draw a Dolphin painting game with Arroz Con Leche | How to draw and color ♪ ♫ Rice pudding letter ♫♪ Rice pudding I want to marry a lady from San Nicolás Who knows how to sew Who knows how to embroider Who knows how to open the door to go play I am the widow from the neighborhood of the King I want to get married and I don’t know who With this yes with this no with this lady I’ll marry Rice with milk I want to marry a lady from San Nicolás Who knows how to sew Who knows how to embroider Who knows how to open the door to go play I am the neighborhood widow del Rey I want to marry and I don’t know who With this yes with this no with this lady I’ll marry How to draw and color for children is the channel to learn to draw while listening to the most popular children’s songs. © 2020 Adisebaba Animation all rights reserved

Draw a Dolphin painting game with Rice Con Leche song | How to draw and color

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