What brand of Colored Pencils do I use for my drawings? | KidsLetsDraw

¿Qué marca de Lápices de Color utilizo para mis dibujos? | KidsLetsDraw

Today I bought new colored pencils, since the ones I had were running out and they were getting smaller, so I took the opportunity to record them and show them to you. This video goes to all those people who always ask me what brand of pencils I use. This time I bought two boxes: – 1 Box of 24 thick colors from the Maped brand (Color’Peps). – 1 Tin box of 36 thin colors, also from the Maped brand. This is the brand of colors that I use the most, I also use those from the Stabilo brand, which are very similar. So if you can find any of them in your country or city, great. They are just recommendations. I leave you with the video… Thanks for following me. P.S. I have not been paid anything to recommend these brands, just in case 🙂 You are welcome to use any pencils you like. More videos: Subscribe: ✿ If you liked this video, don’t forget to like and share it

What brand of Colored Pencils do I use for my drawings? | KidsLetsDraw

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